The Learning Stack #2 - The Tricky Second Album

The Learning Stack

16 Sep 2024

READ TIME - 4 mins

#2 - The Tricky Second Album

Hi Reader

Welcome back to The Learning Stack. I want to start by thanking you all for subscribing. Publicly shouting about creating my own newsletter was a little scary and I hoped for maybe 5 subscribers off the back of the post on LinkedIn. There are now 20 of you and my next target is to reach 100, then keep iterating from there. Let's see what happens! Missed newsletter #1? Read it HERE

Taking the leap into sharing knowledge

Do you remember the hurdles you crossed last week, last month, or even last year? These may have been job related, something in your home life, or something completely random.

Each one of us has had those moments where we untangled a complex problem, honed a new skill, or navigated through a tricky scenario. Now, if you pause and think - there’s probably someone out there who is about to step into a similar journey. YYour ‘challenge overcome’ of yesterday could be their ‘challenge to tackle’ for tomorrow.

Your personal journey of discovery and problem-solving is a potential treasure chest of insights for others. And guess what? You can easily translate this wealth of knowledge into social posts, engaging courses, insightful YouTube videos, or captivating blog posts. It’s about crafting a narrative that not only resonates with others but empowers them to take action.

The beauty of it all? You’re not just sharing what you know; you’re creating a ripple effect of knowledge-sharing. It’s a cycle of learning, growing, and empowering. Your narrative could be the catalyst for a community eager to learn, adapt, and overcome similar challenges.

So, as you reflect on your week, think about the nuggets of wisdom you’ve unearthed. How could your experiences this week serve as a beacon for someone else next week? Your story is a powerful tool, not just to reflect, but to educate and empower. It’s time to turn those insights into impactful narratives that resonate with and help others. Next week, I will share with you the first few steps to get you started on the content creation path.

Why not share a snippet of what you learned this week that could potentially help someone else? I’d love to hear your stories. Who knows, your insights might just be the lightbulb moment for someone else. Share your story as a comment on my LinkedIn post

Let’s keep the cycle of learning, sharing, and growing spinning. It’s how we build not just a community, but a culture of continual learning and empowerment.

Something I Learned This Week:

Imposter Syndrome affects even the greatest creators! As I start my content creation journey via this newsletter, on Twitter, and on LinkedIn, I have had an acute case of Imposter Syndrome. In my mind I am thinking, "Who is going to read this? Who cares what I write? why will anyone listen to me?"
Apparently this is very common and stays with most creators forever, even the most successful.

Nobel Laureate, Poet, and Author Maya Angelou often felt like a fraud, "I have written 11 books, but each time I think, 'uh oh, they're going to find out now.'"

Even Albert Einstein has been quoted as saying “The exaggerated esteem in which my lifework is held makes me very ill at ease. I feel compelled to think of myself as an involuntary swindler.”

So, it seems like Imposter Syndrome is very common and we should just embrace it!

What I'm Reading:

I am currently subscribing to, and reading, many many newsletters from a host of creators. I class this as research and competitive analysis! Newsletter creators whose content I am enjoying are:

  • Ali Abdaal - Youtube content creator and productivity whiz
  • Justin Welsh - Solopreneur, with one of the biggest followings in the creator space

Tech Spotlight:

This week my big new tool is Canva which I have used for banners for my Youtube channel, and imagery for LinkedIn and Twitter. Its a very powerful tool that you can use for free! It's a no brainer for those quick design projects you have.

That's it for this week - I am travelling for work and attending a couple of conferences, so I will share my learnings from the week in next week's newsletter. Thanks for reading!

Thank you again for joining The Learning Stack. I appreciate that your time is limited and full of distractions. Please let me know if you have any feedback, or any topics you would like me to cover in the future. If you found it useful, please share the sign up link with others

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