The Learning Stack #5 - Re-evaluation

The Learning Stack

16 Sep 2024

READ TIME - 4 mins

#5 - Re-evaluation

Hi Reader

Welcome back to The Learning Stack. It's been a while but I am back again and will strive to get back on schedule. There is going to be a bit of a curveball from now on though as you will read below.

As ever, if you want to take a look at my previous newsletters, you can find them HERE

Re-evaluating my purpose

We all know that life has many potential paths and the one we end up following isn't always the one we planned.

The last few months in the real world of work have been busy, challenging, hard, stressful, easy, straightforward, and everything in between!

I didn't feel I had the right mindset to write, and if I am honest, I procrastinated far too much around what this newsletter should be. I had the feeling that I was trying to follow a path I thought I should follow, rather than following a path towards something I want to do and have a passion for.

Don't get me wrong, I am passionate about learning, but maybe not enough to tell others how they should build high quality learning. I also feel there isn't much scope for my own personal growth in that area - I don't love it enough to get into the nitty gritty and so would continue to prevaricate and procrastinate.

New directions

So I have made a decision, I am going to embark on a couple of different projects, a solo one, and one with my wife Karen. These will both be Youtube based projects - the solo project will utilise my experience as a software trainer to drill into the learning process for different pieces of software, technology, and who knows what else.

If you want to see my real time learning process and hear my warts and all thoughts, opinions, and comparisons, then this could be the channel for you. Once I have my first few pieces of content up there I will let you know in this newsletter.


The project with Karen is a little different - we both love to travel. Now that the kids are all grown up we have more opportunities to travel together and we already have lots of trips booked in for the year. We want to try creating some video vlogs of our experiences - where we stay, what we visit, eating (you know I love to eat and cook), the travel experience itself. It should be a lot of fun!

Karen is also thinking about creating her own Youtube content focused on her Massage Therapy business, maybe even some ASMR for those of you who like that kind of thing!

The future of this newsletter....

So my thoughts for the future of this newsletter cover a few things - documenting our process of getting started with Youtube and all the things that entails, the trials and tribulations, and hopefully lots of learnings to takeaway.

There will still be a big slant towards learning, but rather than the procedural, it will be me trying to align my experience in this learning industry with the shiny new world ahead of us. It may also evolve to include travel hints and tips!

How can you help?

I am currently creating a list of different pieces of software that are broadly used that I have never used. If you have suggestions of software you love that might appeal to a broad audience, send them my way - you can reply to this email directly.

I would also love your honest opinions when we start creating content. My expectation is that it will suck when we first get started. Thats the painful phase but I don't expect many people will be watching.

Finally, if you have specific Youtube channels you love that could be useful for research, I am always looking for suggestions, send them over.

Thats it for today, see you at the same time next week!

Thank you again for joining The Learning Stack. I appreciate that your time is limited and full of distractions. Please let me know if you have any feedback, or any topics you would like me to cover in the future. If you found it useful, please share the sign up link with others.
Sometimes links I post will be affiliate links where I might get a small commission if you click and buy.

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